District News

Public Hearing on FY 2014 Budget

Public Hearing on the FY 2014 Budget will be held at the Thursday, July 25, 2013 Board Meeting. Public Notice (pdf) Proposed FY 2014 Budget (pdf) Board Meeting Agenda and Backup available 72 hours before

City of Austin – Water Wells Program

To better protect the city’s water supply system and groundwater quality, the City of Austin recently adopted a new ordinance for Austin Water Utility water and wastewater customers with wells. This ordinance includes registration requirements

RWQPP Next Wave 2013

Presentations from the Regional Water Quality Protection Plan: The Next Wave seminar: RWQPP Overview Travis County Implementation Review Science Update (part 1) Science Update (part 2)

Información En Español

Para obtener información sobre las políticas del distrito, reglamentos, condiciones de acuífero, programas o eventos en español, llame o escriba un correo electrónico a Robin Gary (512-282-8441, rhgary@bseacd.org).  Robin Gary habla español y puede ayudar