Whether you’re drilling a new well, registering an existing one, or converting one from domestic to commercial use, the District requires certain paperwork to be completed and submitted. Below you can find the various permits and applications the District provides.
If you’re unsure what type of form you need to submit, please visit this page for assistance.
Step 1: See if You’re Located in the District

The District is only responsible for permits and wells within our boundary. In our Original Territory, we oversee both the Edwards and Trinity aquifers. In our Shared Territory located further south, we manage the Trinity Aquifer while the Edwards Aquifer Authority oversees the Edwards.
- If you are interested in a well in the Edwards Aquifer in the Shared Territory, please contact the Edwards Aquifer Authority.
- If you are interested in a well in Hays County outside of our territory, please contact Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District.
- If you know your proposed well will be located in the District, continue scrolling to the next section of this page.
- If you’re unsure if you’re located in the District, click below to use our interactive map. You can enter an address and find out if your well falls within our territory.
Step 2: Complete the Correct Form
Below are the various applications for permits, drilling authorization, amendments and more. Click on the arrows to learn more about each item and find the appropriate form. If you’re unsure what form you need to fill out, please visit this page for assistance.
All wells located within our territory are required to be registered with the District. You can use this map to ensure your well is located in the District and this site to find your well’s coordinates. Registrations can be submitted online or hard copy.
Submit Registration Online >>
Domestic Wells
This application is required for authorization to drill or modify an exempt well. These wells are exempt from having to obtain an authorization or permit but must comply with District Well Construction Standards. Exempt Wells include:
- Scientific monitor wells
- Remediation wells
- Injection wells
- Closed loop geothermal wells
- Dewatering wells
- Oil and gas drilling and exploration water wells
A complete application will include the following:
- Completed New Exempt Well Application Form that is notarized
- $450 application fee written as a check to Barton Springs EACD
- Ownership documentation (deed, survey)
- Site building plan
- Well coordinates
- Septic coordinates
- Well schematic
Once you have all of these items, please mail them or drop them off at our office located at 1124 Regal Row, Austin, Texas any weekday between 9am – 4pm.
Please note that with this permit your well will be required to:
- Use less than 7 gallons per minute (10,000 gallons per day/1 horsepower)
For a new nonexempt domestic or livestock well, you need an LPP. LPPs are for wells used solely for domestic or livestock needs for residents located on a lot less than 10 acres where there is no other water source available. Annual production of these wells must not exceed 250,000 gallons per year.
A complete application for an LPP will include the following:
- Completed New Well LPP Application Form that is notarized
- $450 application fee written as a check to Barton Spring EACD
- Ownership documentation (deed, survey)
- Site building plan
- Well coordinates
- Septic coordinates
- Well schematic
- Completed and signed User Conservation Plan (UCP). You can find a UCP example here.
Once you have all of these items, please mail them or drop them off at our office located at 1124 Regal Row, Austin, Texas any weekday between 9am – 4pm.
Please note that with this permit your well will be required to:
Use less than 250,000 gallons of water/year
- Have a meter installed and report meter readings annually to the District
Individual Production Permits (IPP)
Complete this application for authorization to drill a new nonexempt well. To produce from this well, an application for production permit must be submitted separately. The application fee is $725 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
For authorization to drill a new test well and to complete the first pump test, fill out and submit the following form. The application fee is $450 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
This application is required for authorization to complete a pump test or additional pump tests. The application fee is $50 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
This application is required to receive a permit to produce from nonexempt wells. The application fee ranges from $600 – $5000 depending on classification. This can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
You must complete and submit this application for authorization to drill a new nonexempt well and receive a production permit. This combined application form can only be used for wells that will produce less than 2 million gallons per year. The application fee is $1325 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Plugging or Capping a Well
Complete this application for authorization to plug or cap a well in the District. The application fee is $250 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Complete and submit this form for authorization to plug or cap a hand dug or shallow well in the District. The application fee is $125 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Changes in Ownership, Volume, and More
This application is required to change ownership of an existing permitted well and to place the permit in the new owner’s name. This will provide a new owner with a permit to produce from a nonexempt well. Use this form if the volume and well use type WILL NOT change.
The fee is $75 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
To be considered a Minor Amendment volume increase, ONE of the following criteria must be met. If none of the criteria are met, then the volume increase is considered a Major Amendment.
- Permittee has permit for > 12 million gallons per year AND the requested volume increase is less than 10% of current permitted volume
- Permittee has permit for < 12million gallons per year AND the requested volume increase is no more than 2 million gallons per year
This fee is $600 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
If ONE of the following criteria are met, then the volume increase is considered a Major Amendment.
- Permittee has permit for > 12 million gallons per year AND the requested volume increase is less than 10% of current permitted volume
- Permittee has permit for < 12 million gallons per year AND the requested volume increase is no more than 2 million gallons per year
The application fee is $850 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Complete this application for any of the following reasons:
- Retiring permit (no fee)
- Reduction in permitted volume
- Changing use of a well from nonexempt to exempt
- Converting two or more individually permitted wells to an aggregate system under one permit
Each of these costs $75 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Complete this application to receive a permit to produce from a nonexempt well inside the District and transport the produced water outside of District territory. The application fee is $800 and can be paid in the form of a check to Barton Springs EACD.
Need Additional Assistance?
Contact Erin Swanson, Regulatory Compliance Manager, at eswanson@bseacd.org
or Jacob Newton, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, at jnewton@bseacd.org.