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Water Conservation Tips

Texas Hill Country surface and groundwater resources are limited, so it’s important for all community members to actively conserve water in and outside of drought. Below are a variety of tips and resources on how to reduce your utilization of water.

Indoor Water Conservation Tips

  • Check toilets for leaks – An easy way to do so is to several drops of food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear in the toilet bowl within 30 minutes.
  • Install high-efficiency fixturesWaterSense labelled toilets, aerators on bathroom faucets, and shower heads are certified to use 20 percent less water.
  • Take shorter showers. The average shower uses 2.1 gallons per minute.
  • Review your water bill – Viewing it month-to-month can help you identify times of high use, possible leaks, and how your conservation habits are helping. 
  • Don’t let it run – Turn off water when brushing teeth, shaving, between washing dishes, etc.
  • Run full loads – Running dishwashers and washing machines with full loads helps reduce your water and electricity consumption.
  • Save excess water – When you do need to run water, don’t let it go down the drain. Collect it in a bowl and use it to water indoor and outdoor plants.

Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

  • Plant drought-tolerant/resistant plants – Replace your grass/turf with water-wise plants. View this guide from the EPA.
  • Let the rain do the watering – With automatic sprinklers, it can be easy to let it run during rainy times. You can prevent overwatering by installing a WaterSense labeled irrigation controller
  • Sweep don’t spray – Use a broom to clean driveways, patios, and sidewalks instead of water from a hose.
  • Don’t water when it’s hotter – Water your outdoor landscape earlier in the day when temperatures are cooler to prevent evaporation and to allow the water to soak into the soil more. 
  • Harvest the rain – The Texas Hill Country is known for dry spells and downpours. To capture rainwater for when you need it, consider installing a rain barrel

Additional Resources