Scientific Reports

Ground-Water Availability Modeling of the Three Major Segments of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2005
Format: Poster
Source: NGWA

Groundwater Flow in the Edwards Aquifer: Comparison of Groundwater Modeling and Dye Trace Results

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2005
Format: Paper
Source: ASCE

Groundwater Tracing Study of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2004
Format: Paper
Source: BSEACD, City of Austin Watershed Protection and Development Review Dept., and Ozark Underground Laboratory
Nico M. Hauwert, P.G. Hydrogeologist and James W. Sansom, Jr., P.G. Hydrogeologist, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District David A. Johns, Hydrogeologist, City of Austin Watershed Protection and Development Review Department Thomas J. Aley, Hydrogeologist, Ozark Underground Laboratory PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION AND U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION…

Flow Systems of the Edwards Aquifer Barton Springs Segment, Interpreted from Tracing and Associated Field Studies

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2004
Format: Paper
Source: Edwards Symposium

Groundwater-Level Monitoring Program: Example from the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Water-Level Monitoring
Year: 2004
Format: Paper
Source: Texas Water Monitoring Congress (TWMC)

Evaluation of Sustainable Yield of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Hays and Travis Counties, Central Texas

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2004
Format: Report
Source: BSEACD

Sustainable Yield Studies of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2004
Format: Extended Abstract
Source: Edwards Symposium

Groundwater Availability during Drought Conditions in the Edwards Aquifer, Hays and Travis Counties, Texas

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2004
Format: Paper
Source: GCAGS

Summary of Groundwater Dye Tracing Studies (1996-2002), Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2002
Format: Report
Source: BSEACD

Water Quality Study of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Southern Travis and Northern Hays Counties, Texas

Topic: Water-Quality Studies
Year: 2001
Format: Report
Source: BSEACD