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Scientific Reports

Hydrologic Influences of the Blanco River on the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers, Central Texas, USA

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2014
Format: Paper
Source: BSEACD and others
The Blanco River of central Texas provides an important hydrologic link between surface and groundwater as it traverses two major karst aquifer systems—the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers. The Blanco River is characterized by alternating gaining and losing stretches due to the presence of springs that discharge water into the river…

Refining the Freshwater/Saline-Water Interface, Edwards Aquifer, Hays and Travis Counties, Texas

Topic: Saline-Water Zone/ASR
Year: 2014
Format: Report of Investigations
Source: BSEACD
This study refines the freshwater/saline-water interface in the Edwards Aquifer of Travis and Hays Counties based upon 855 data points compiled from measured or estimated total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater. Changes to the boundary include localized lateral shifts of up to 1.3 miles and an apparent net loss of…

Water Level Maps of the Edwards and Middle Trinity Aquifers, Central TexasWater Level Geodatabase (for Access and GIS Users, zipped)

Topic: Water-Level Monitoring
Year: 2014
Format: Fact Sheet
Source: BSEACD

Evaluating the Hydrologic Connection of the Blanco River and Barton Springs Using Discharge and Geochemical Data

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2013
Format: Poster
Source: Geological Society of America (GSA)

Pleasant Valley Spring: A Newly Documented Karst Spring of the Texas Hill Country Trinity Aquifer

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2013
Format: Abstract
Source: GSA
Texas Hill Country springs provide baseflow for rivers that recharge the downstream Edwards Aquifer. This study is an initial characterization of Pleasant Valley Spring (PVS) and recognition of its significance for the Hill Country, Middle Trinity Aquifer, and the Edwards Aquifer. PVS is a perennial, artesian, karst spring complex located…

Cover-collapse sinkhole development in the Cretaceous Edwards Limestone, central Texas

Topic: Other Publications
Year: 2013
Format: Paper
Source: 13th Sinkhole Conference (Carlsbad, NM)

Enhanced recharge to the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Recharge and Recharge Enhancement
Year: 2013
Format: Paper
Source: Carbonates and Evaporites (Journal)

Dye Tracing Results from the Arbor Trails Sinkhole, Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, Texas

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2013
Format: Report of Investigations
Source: BSEACD

Evaluating the Hydrologic Connection of the Blanco River and Barton Springs using Discharge and Geochemical Data

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2013
Format: Report of Investigations
Source: BSEACD

Hydrological and Geochemical Characteristics in the Edwards and Trinity Hydrostratigraphic Units using Multiport Monitor wells in the Balcones Fault Zone, Hays County, Central Texas

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2013
Format: Poster
Source: Geological Society of America (GSA)