Scientific Reports

Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Other Publications
Year: 2010
Format: Paper
Source: GCAGS

Compilation of Pumping Tests in Travis and Hays Counties, Central Texas

Topic: Geologic Mapping and Aquifer Characterization
Year: 2010
Format: Data Series
Source: BSEACD

Hydrogeologic Atlas of the Hill Country Trinity Aquifer, Blanco, Hays, and Travis Counties, Central Texas

Topic: Geologic Mapping and Aquifer Characterization
Year: 2010
Format: Report

Recharge Enhancement and Protection of a Karst Aquifer in Central Texas

Topic: Recharge and Recharge Enhancement
Year: 2010
Format: Paper (abstract only here)
Source: 4th International Symposium on Karst (ISKA-2010)

Evaluation of Hydrologic Connection between San Marcos Springs and Barton Springs through the Edwards Aquifer

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2010
Format: Report
Source: HDR, Inc.

Hydrologic Connection of the Edwards Aquifer betweenSan Marcos Springs and Barton Springs, Texas

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2010
Format: Paper
Source: GCAGS

Flow Potential Between Stacked Karst Aquifers in Central Texas

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2010
Format: Paper (abstract only here)
Source: 4th International Symposium on Karst (ISKA-2010)

Hydraulic Interaction Between the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers

Topic: Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Connection & Characterization
Year: 2010
Format: Report
Source: Plate from the Hydrogeologic Atlas project

Spring 2009 Potentiometric Map of the Middle Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 9, Central Texas

Topic: Water-Level Monitoring
Year: 2010
Format: Report
Source: BSEACD

A Comparison of the 1950s Drought of Record and the 2009 Drought,Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Hydrology, Drought, and Drought Trigger Methodology
Year: 2010
Format: Paper
Source: GCAGS