Barton Springs and Lovelady Level Check – Nov. 24, 2021

Here are the latest level checks for Barton Springs and the Lovelady Well. Both are the District’s drought triggers. Remember, conservation is key. Barton Springs and Lovelady are holding steady for now. But as always, please continue to conserve. Nov. 24, 2021 – Barton Springs remains above the Stage II Alarm Drought Threshold of 38 […]

BSEACD Board Appoints Interim Director for Precinct 3

For Immediate Release: Monday, Nov. 22, 2021 For more information, contact: David Marino, Communications & Outreach Manager at (512) 282-8441 or On November 18, 2021, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) Board of Directors appointed Lily Lucas as the Interim Director for Precinct 3. Ms. Lucas will be officially sworn in early next month […]

Science in 60 Seconds: Streamflow Measurement

Check out our latest Science in 60 Seconds segment! This time we are taking a look at streamflow measurement. Measurements provide the quantity of water passing a location along a stream usually in cubic feet per second (cfs). Good water management is founded on reliable streamflow information made in the field. Video Link: Science in 60 […]

Barton Springs and Lovelady Level Check – Nov. 15, 2021

Here are the latest level checks for Barton Springs and the Lovelady Well. Both are the District’s drought triggers. Remember, conservation is key. Barton Springs and Lovelady are holding steady for now. But as always, please continue to conserve. La Niña conditions have developed in the Pacific and this typically leads to conditions thru winter […]

Barton Springs and Lovelady Well Level Check – Nov. 8, 2021

Here are the latest level checks for Barton Springs and the Lovelady Well. Both are the District’s drought triggers. Remember, conservation is key. After last week’s rain event, Barton Springs and Lovelady are rising. But as always, please continue to conserve. La Niña conditions have developed in the Pacific and this typically leads to conditions […]

Barton Springs and Lovelady Level Check – Nov. 1, 2021

Barton Springs and the Loveday Well are the district’s two drought triggers. Here are the latest level checks. Remember, conservation is key. La Niña conditions have developed in the Pacific and are expected to continue with an 87% chance of La Niña in Dec 2021- Feb 2022. This typically leads to conditions thru winter that […]