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Hays County Annexation (HB 3405) Archive

Click here to… More Information Map: Are you in the new groundwater management zone? (address search) Bill Info: HB 3404 bill language, implementation timeline, FAQ Trinity Groundwater Research:  Summary of aquifer evaluations in the area Well Registration:  All non-Edwards wells in the area need to register Well Permits: Wells used for other than domestic or […]

District’s 30th Anniversary

In August 1987, the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District was officially formed through a confirmation election.  Since then, the District has served the residents of Travis, Hays, and Caldwell counties by providing a local voice in the management of our region’s precious groundwater resources.  The locally elected Board of Directors and staff have worked […]

EP Aquifer Test In Progress

Aquifer tests are an essential part of the District’s permitting process.  The Board and staff rely heavily on results of these tests to inform permit volumes and conditions. In the spring, Electro Purification (EP) submitted a test well application to allow them to perform an aquifer test on three wells.  District staff worked with EP […]

Dripping Springs Wastewater Discharge Permit Application

Update (7/4/2018):  The City of Dripping Springs reached a settlement agreement with the City of Austin, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Save Barton Creek Association, Protect Our Water, and several private property owners. Update (5/21/2018):  On May 21, the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) held a preliminary hearing to […]

Study: Surface and Groundwater Interactions in Onion Creek and Blanco River

The Edwards and Trinity Aquifers provide critical water resources to Central Texas. Streams that create the beautiful Texas Hill Country are in fact hydrologically linked to the aquifer (groundwater) systems. Aquifers provide springflows that sustain the streams, and the streams, in turn, recharge the aquifers. Many studies, going back decades, document the surface and groundwater […]

Central Texas GIS Geologic Map Project: Phase 1

Detailed geologic maps are the foundation for any geologic, hydrogeologic, and engineering studies. However, consistent, seamless, detailed geologic maps are lacking for central Texas. In order to manage its groundwater resources with the best available data the District has embarked on a long-term project to produce a digital seamless Geographic Information System (GIS) geologic map. […]

Director Precincts Redistricted

The new Director Precinct boundaries were finalized at the May 26, 2016 Board meeting after extensive research, public comment, and discussion. The precincts extend into the shared territory in Hays County and are meant to group communities of interests and their common sources of water supply.  Very generally, there are two City of Austin urban […]

What Makes a Good Monitor Well?

Aquifer conditions are dynamic and therefore water levels can fluctuate because of drought, recharge, and pumping.  Monitor wells help track these changes and inform policy to help protect water supplies and springflow for all users.  After all, groundwater is a shared resource. We often get asked the question, what makes a good monitor well? In […]