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District News

Study: Surface and Groundwater Interactions in Onion Creek and Blanco River

The Edwards and Trinity Aquifers provide critical water resources to Central Texas. Streams that create the beautiful Texas Hill Country are in fact hydrologically linked to the aquifer (groundwater) systems. Aquifers provide springflows that sustain

Director Precincts Redistricted

The new Director Precinct boundaries were finalized at the May 26, 2016 Board meeting after extensive research, public comment, and discussion. The precincts extend into the shared territory in Hays County and are meant to

Redistricting of Director Precincts

Process Update:  During the 5/12/2016 Board Meeting after considering public comment (both written and oral), the Directors requested that staff draft a resolution approving Redistricting Illustrative Plan CD.  That resolution is expected to be presented to

Press Release: Proposed Rule Changes in Response to Annexation

For Immediate Release:  Friday, June 26, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Aquifer District Proposes Rule Changes in Response to Hays County Trinity Aquifer

Press Release: Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official

For Immediate Release: Saturday, June 20, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official Yesterday marked the effective date