Influence of Faulting and Relay Ramp Structures on Groundwater Flow in the Karstic Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, Central Texas, USA
The Cretaceous-age Edwards and Middle Trinity Aquifers of central Texas are critical groundwater resources for human and ecological needs. These two major karst aquifers are stratigraphically stacked (Edwards over Trinity) and structurally juxtaposed (normal faulting) in the Balcones Fault Zone. Studies have long recognized the importance of faulting on the development of the karstic Edwards […]
Press Release: Proposed Rule Changes in Response to Annexation
For Immediate Release: Friday, June 26, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Aquifer District Proposes Rule Changes in Response to Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation At last night’s Board Meeting, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board initiated a formal rule-making process in response […]
Press Release: Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official
For Immediate Release: Saturday, June 20, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official Yesterday marked the effective date of HB3405, which brings the previously unregulated Trinity Aquifer portion of Hays County under management of a groundwater conservation district–the […]
Potentiometric Investigation of Two Large Springs Discharging From the Middle Trinity Aquifer, Western Hays County, Texas.
Pleasant Valley Spring (PVS) and Jacob’s Well Spring (JWS) are large karst springs providing perennial baseflow to the Blanco River and Cypress Creek, respectively, which eventually recharges the Edwards Aquifer. In order to better understand groundwater flow and sources of recharge to these springs (springsheds), we created a potentiometric map of the area surrounding the […]
Groundwater Flow as Evidenced from a Historic Petroleum Contamination Site, Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Austin, Texas
Leaking petroleum storage tanks from gas stations are one of the most common sources of contamination of groundwater in the U.S. and Texas. In 1992 a 2,900 gallon gasoline and diesel release occurred at the Big Wheel Truck Stop located on the highly sensitive Edwards Aquifer in Austin, Texas. The fate and transport of the […]
Potentiometric Surface Investigation of the Middle Trinity Aquifer in Western Hays County, Texas
Pleasant Valley Spring (PVS) and Jacob’s Well Spring (JWS) are large karst springs providing perennial baseflow to the Blanco River and Cypress Creek, respectively, which eventually recharges the Edwards Aquifer. JWS flow has become intermittent in recent years due to drought and increased pumping driven by nearby population growth within the Cypress Creek watershed. In […]
Hydrologic Influences of the Blanco River on the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers, Central Texas, USA
The Blanco River of central Texas provides an important hydrologic link between surface and groundwater as it traverses two major karst aquifer systems—the Trinity and Edwards Aquifers. The Blanco River is characterized by alternating gaining and losing stretches due to the presence of springs that discharge water into the river and swallets that drain water […]
Refining the Freshwater/Saline-Water Interface, Edwards Aquifer, Hays and Travis Counties, Texas
This study refines the freshwater/saline-water interface in the Edwards Aquifer of Travis and Hays Counties based upon 855 data points compiled from measured or estimated total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater. Changes to the boundary include localized lateral shifts of up to 1.3 miles and an apparent net loss of 3.8 mi2 of areal extent […]
Policy Overview of the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
An overview of the District, water planning, available groundwater, groundwater resources, permitting, recharge, history of droughts and floods, and contact information.