GMA 10 Proposed DFCs

Groundwater Management Area (GMA) 10 Proposed Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District collaborates with other groundwater conservation districts to establish DFCs for shared aquifers in GMA-10.  As part of this process, each district will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed DFCs.  The DFCs represent average conditions to be achieved over […]

Wells and Major Rainfall Events

Keep an eye on your well water. With large rain events comes lots of recharge to the aquifers. Storm water can wash in bacteria and contaminants. If you notice a change in taste, odor, or appearance of your water, switch to drinking bottled water or boil before drinking. A great question on many well owners’ […]

What Makes a Good Monitor Well?

Aquifer conditions are dynamic and therefore water levels can fluctuate because of drought, recharge, and pumping.  Monitor wells help track these changes and inform policy to help protect water supplies and springflow for all users.  After all, groundwater is a shared resource. We often get asked the question, what makes a good monitor well? In […]

DFC Discussions

Groundwater Management Zone 9 (GMA-9) is a collaboration of groundwater conservation districts that manage portions of the Trinity Aquifer.  As part of a regional groundwater planning process that helps inform the State’s Water Plan, one of GMA-9’s tasks is to reach consensus on a Desired Future Condition (DFC) for the Trinity Aquifer. The DFC has […]

Influence of Faulting and Relay Ramp Structures on Groundwater Flow in the Karstic Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, Central Texas, USA

The Cretaceous-age Edwards and Middle Trinity Aquifers of central Texas are critical groundwater resources for human and ecological needs. These two major karst aquifers are stratigraphically stacked (Edwards over Trinity) and structurally juxtaposed (normal faulting) in the Balcones Fault Zone. Studies have long recognized the importance of faulting on the development of the karstic Edwards […]

Press Release: Proposed Rule Changes in Response to Annexation

For Immediate Release:  Friday, June 26, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Aquifer District Proposes Rule Changes in Response to Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation At last night’s Board Meeting, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board initiated a formal rule-making process in response […]

Press Release: Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official

For Immediate Release: Saturday, June 20, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official Yesterday marked the effective date of HB3405, which brings the previously unregulated Trinity Aquifer portion of Hays County under management of a groundwater conservation district–the […]

Potentiometric Investigation of Two Large Springs Discharging From the Middle Trinity Aquifer, Western Hays County, Texas.

Pleasant Valley Spring (PVS) and Jacob’s Well Spring (JWS) are large karst springs providing perennial baseflow to the Blanco River and Cypress Creek, respectively, which eventually recharges the Edwards Aquifer. In order to better understand groundwater flow and sources of recharge to these springs (springsheds), we created a potentiometric map of the area surrounding the […]

Central Hays County Groundwater Evaluation

Recent Additions: Letter to participating well owners on status of monitoring, record of water levels, and upcoming white paper on groundwater evaluation. Generalized Aquifer Stratigraphy Monitoring Effort Status Map On this page: Documents Maps Find your well report (pre-2003, from TCEQ) The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) Board and staff are tracking Trinity Aquifer […]