Director Precincts Redistricted

The new Director Precinct boundaries were finalized at the May 26, 2016 Board meeting after extensive research, public comment, and discussion. The precincts extend into the shared territory in Hays County and are meant to group communities of interests and their common sources of water supply.  Very generally, there are two City of Austin urban […]

Next Board Meeting: June 16, 2016 Public Hearing

The next  Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation will be a Public Hearing held at the District office, located at 1124 Regal Row, Austin, Texas, on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Agenda June 16, 2016 Public Hearing on Aqua Texas Permit Agenda and backup will be available […]

Redistricting of Director Precincts

Process Update:  During the 5/12/2016 Board Meeting after considering public comment (both written and oral), the Directors requested that staff draft a resolution approving Redistricting Illustrative Plan CD.  That resolution is expected to be presented to the Board at the 5/26/2016 Board Meeting. The Board will hold a public hearing to consider new boundaries of its […]

Proposed Rule Changes

The proposed rule changes were approved by the Board on April 28.  The Rules in mark-up, associated documents and explanation can be found below. At the March 1st Work Session and special-called Board Meeting, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board initiated a formal rule-making process to better equip the District to manage prospective large-scale […]

Next Board Meeting: Two Public Hearings April 28, 2016

The next  Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation will be a Regular Meeting and Two Public Hearings held at the District office, located at 1124 Regal Row, Austin, Texas, on Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Agenda and backup will be available here 72 hours before the meeting. […]

Public Hearing: 14 Temp Permits Admin Complete for Conversion

Public Hearing The Barton Springs/ Edwards Aquifer Conservation District’s (District) territory was expanded on June 19, 2015 through the passage of H.B. 3405.  This act requires all nonexempt, non-Edwards wells to be permitted and the act provides a three-month period to apply for a Temporary Permit, which expired on September 19, 2015. The Temporary Permits […]

GMA 10 Proposed DFCs

Groundwater Management Area (GMA) 10 Proposed Desired Future Conditions (DFCs) The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District collaborates with other groundwater conservation districts to establish DFCs for shared aquifers in GMA-10.  As part of this process, each district will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed DFCs.  The DFCs represent average conditions to be achieved over […]

Press Release: Proposed Rule Changes in Response to Annexation

For Immediate Release:  Friday, June 26, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Aquifer District Proposes Rule Changes in Response to Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation At last night’s Board Meeting, the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board initiated a formal rule-making process in response […]

Press Release: Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official

For Immediate Release: Saturday, June 20, 2015 For more information, contact: Robin Gary, Senior Public Information and Education Coordinator, (512) 282-8441 or Hays County Trinity Aquifer Annexation Now Official Yesterday marked the effective date of HB3405, which brings the previously unregulated Trinity Aquifer portion of Hays County under management of a groundwater conservation district–the […]

Central Hays County Groundwater Evaluation

Recent Additions: Letter to participating well owners on status of monitoring, record of water levels, and upcoming white paper on groundwater evaluation. Generalized Aquifer Stratigraphy Monitoring Effort Status Map On this page: Documents Maps Find your well report (pre-2003, from TCEQ) The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) Board and staff are tracking Trinity Aquifer […]