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Scientific Reports

Blanco River Aquifer Assessment Tool A Tool to Assess How the Blanco River Interacts With Its Aquifers: Creating the Conceptual Model

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2019
Format: Report
Source: Meadows Center
The Blanco River watershed spans five counties through the Texas Hill Country and supplies water to some of the fastest growing population centers in Texas, if not the country (Figure ES – 1). Over this reach, the Blanco River is both fed by and feeds the Trinity and Edwards aquifers,…

Evaluation for the Development of a Jacob’s Well Groundwater Management Zone in Hays County, Texas

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2019
Format: Report
Source: The Meadows Center
Jacob’s Well is a karst spring originating from the Lower Cretaceous, Middle Trinity Aquifer and is located in the Cypress Creek watershed near Wimberley, Texas. The Middle Trinity Aquifer is the primary groundwater resource for water supply in the region. Jacob’s Well flow responds to climatic variations of both short-…

Barton Springs segment of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer, central Texas

Topic: Sustainable Yield, Groundwater Modeling, and DFCs
Year: 2019
Format: Paper
Source: GSA
The Barton Springs segment of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer is a prolifi c karst aquifer system containing the fourth largest spring in Texas, Barton Springs. The Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer supplies drinking water for ~60,000 people, provides habitat for federally listed endangered salamanders, and sustains…

March 2018 Potentiometric Map of the Middle Trinity Aquifer, Central Texas

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2019
Format: Report of Investigations
Source: BSEACD
The Middle Trinity Aquifer is the primary groundwater resource for the central and western portions of Hays County. Groundwater levels and potentiometric surface maps provide critical information about the hydrologic relationships of recharge, discharge, and storage within an aquifer, and the direction of groundwater flow. This report provides a potentiometric…

Regional Geologic Geodatabase Project, Central Texas

Topic: Geologic Mapping and Aquifer Characterization
Year: 2018
Format: Data Series
Source: BSEACD
Geologic data are used by hydrogeologists to develop a better understanding of aquifers. Geophysical logs, driller’s and cuttings logs, and outcrops provide valuable information about aquifer characteristics and can be used in combination with other geologic data to characterize groundwater resources. The purpose of this project was to build a…

Stratigraphic evaluation of Trinity Aquifers in Hays and Western Travis County and Implications for Groundwater Availability

Topic: Geologic Mapping and Aquifer Characterization
Year: 2018
Format: Poster
Source: GSA
Trinity Aquifers are very important groundwater resources in central Texas. However, they show signs of hydrologic stress and depletion in some areas. This study focused on detailed stratigraphic evaluations to better understand hydrologic variations in the Trinity Aquifer system. The study consisted of seven wells located throughout the Western Travis…

Geologic Mapping of Upper Glen Rose Unit 3 (Lower Cretaceous) In The Onion Creek Basin, Western Hays County, Texas: Implications for Recharge to the Trinity Aquifer

Topic: Geologic Mapping and Aquifer Characterization
Year: 2018
Format: Paper
Source: GCAGS Journal
Understanding of geologic structure, lithology, and spatial distribution of geologic units that act as barriers to flow (aquitards) is critical for delineating groundwater movement and recharge in karst aquifers. In western Hays County, Texas, the Upper Glen Rose Member of the Trinity Group accounts for most of the surface outcrop…

2017 Groundwater Tracing in the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer: Onion Creek and Little Bear Creek

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2018
Format: Report
Source: City of Austin
A groundwater trace performed in the fall of 2017 verified the connection to Barton Springs from three sites: Crooked Oak Cave on Onion Creek, Fenceline Sink on Little Bear Creek, and Stoneledge Quarry adjacent to Little Bear Creek. Groundwater tracer arrived at Main Barton Spring in 5.4 days from Crooked…

Dye Trace at Raccoon Cave near Jacob’s Well Spring, Hays County, Texas

Topic: Groundwater Tracing and Groundwater Flow Studies
Year: 2018
Format: Tech Note
Source: BSEACD
A consortium of agencies and scientists planned and executed a dye-trace test in the vicinity of Jacob’s Well Spring (JWS) in late March – early April 2018. The goal of the trace was to evaluate the hydrogeologic connection of Racoon Cave, a karst feature developed within the Lower Glen Rose…

Is the BSEACD’s Drought Trigger Methodology Representative of the Middle Trinity Aquifer?

Topic: Hydrology, Drought, and Drought Trigger Methodology
Year: 2018
Format: Tech Note
Source: BSEACD
Increased drilling and permit requests in the Middle Trinity Aquifer have highlighted the need for increased data collection and evaluation to better manage this limited resource. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the representativeness of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District’s (BSEACD) drought trigger methodology (DTM) for the…